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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Health


Our FAQs are the most commonly-asked questions put to our Dental Helpline over the last year. If you have a question for us, you can ask our Dental Helpline by telephone or email. Alternatively, please take a look at our library of oral health information, which contains a wide range of oral health advice in an easy-to-understand Q&A format.

Can a dental hygienist do anything else?2022-02-06T19:08:05+03:00

Dental hygienists also take  dental x-rays. The dentist will use these to help diagnose problems and decide on the possible treatment. Dental hygienists can also place fissure sealants, apply fluoride varnishes and administer fluoride treatments. Other procedures may be carried out by dental hygienists depending on the laws that apply where they work.

Tooth whitening is also often carried out by the dental hygienist, under a prescription from your dentist.

I have some of my own teeth. Can I still have implants?2022-02-06T21:23:10+03:00

Yes. You can have any number of teeth replaced with implants – from one single tooth to a complete set.

Why should I consider white fillings?2022-02-06T18:56:54+03:00

Most people have fillings of one sort or another in their mouths.

Nowadays fillings can be natural looking. Many people are more conscious about the way they look, so they don’t want silver fillings that show when they laugh or smile.

What are disclosing tablets and solutions?2022-02-06T21:08:29+03:00

These contain a dye. After brushing and cleaning in between your teeth, you can use a disclosing tablet or solution to dye any plaque that hasn’t been removed. This can help to show any places you are missing when brushing. You can easily remove the dye afterwards by brushing.

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