Contact us2022-02-15T03:36:31+03:00

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Antalya Dental Hospital

  • +90-531-721-9697
  • +90-242-999-1227
  • Göksu Mahallesi, Suphi Türel Caddesi, No:37/HA Kepez, Antalya 07400 Turkey

Contact the Antalya Dental Hospital

because your opinion matters

Customer service representatives are available nationwide to answer questions about your dental insurance, claims submissions, payment procedures, changes in your contact information or other concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Health


Our FAQs are the most commonly-asked questions put to our Dental Helpline over the last year. If you have a question for us, you can ask our Dental Helpline by telephone or email. Alternatively, please take a look at our library of oral health information, which contains a wide range of oral health advice in an easy-to-understand Q&A format.

My teeth are stained, what toothpaste should I use?2022-02-06T21:06:43+03:00

There are toothpastes which can help to remove staining. These are often called ‘whitening’ toothpastes. It is important to realise that these toothpastes can only help you to restore the original shade of your teeth and will not change their natural colour. If you feel you need something stronger to whiten your teeth, talk to your dental team about how this could be done. If you are a smoker, there are special smokers’ toothpastes that will remove the staining that can build up over time.

How do I know I have dental erosion?2022-02-06T23:04:12+03:00

Erosion usually shows up as hollows in the teeth and a general wearing away of the tooth surface and biting edges. This can expose the dentine underneath, which is a darker, yellower colour than the enamel. Because the dentine is sensitive, your teeth can also be more sensitive to heat and cold, or acidic foods and drinks.

Will the tooth be safe after treatment?2022-02-06T19:55:52+03:00

Yes. However, because a ‘dead’ tooth is more brittle, you may need to have a crown to provide extra support and strength to the tooth.

What do I do if I suffer a mouth or facial injury?2022-02-04T00:12:52+03:00

Falls, slips, and trips anywhere can result in injuries to the mouth and teeth. Slipping over around the pool, a child falling whilst playing, or participating in sports or enjoying adventure activities can result in damaged, broken or completely lost teeth.

Our advice: Time is crucial in the case of damaged teeth. Try and retrieve a lost tooth and keep it in a sealed container of milk. For both lost or damaged teeth, you should call us straight away to make an immediate visit where we can attempt to re-implant the tooth or use a tooth dressing. We have all the latest x-ray technology to help us make the best repair possible.

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